Workspace Management Software

Key features to look for when choosing your workspace management software


Workspace management software, sounds impressive doesn’t it? However, what actually is it and why would your workspace need it? Currently your space may be ticking over nicely – using the good old reliable spreadsheet or word document – so why would you want to disrupt that and install some new swanky software? What benefits could it bring and what should …


Key things we learnt at the Technology Driving Profitable Real Estate event


Our team were delighted to recently attend and sponsor the Bisnow ‘Technology Driving Profitable Real Estate’ event. Held in the impressive looking Kensington Building, guests gathered to hear from four different panel discussions, covering a range of  PropTech subjects. What followed was lots of interesting and informative discussions. Here’s a few of our key takeaways from the event. Tech aids …

Alex Podeanu

Meet the team: Alex


People are at the heart of everything we do at technologywithin. That’s why we’re always keen to showcase some of the awesome people who make up our team. We spoke to Alex Podeanu, a Digital Product Designer at technologywithin. 1. Thanks Alex for taking some time out of your day to chat with us. ‘Product’ is integral to all we …

Maximise your meeting space.

Maximise your meeting space


Recent research from the Instant Group shows that UK premium flexible workspace operators are reporting 82% occupancy in recent months. It seems that prospective workspace users are valuing the added amenities and services that the higher end operators can offer. When it comes to amenities, things like on-site gyms, restaurants and great coffee are always highlighted but one area that’s …

flexible workspace sector should know.

Five things new entrants to the flexible workspace sector should know


With flexible workspace now increasingly seen as an asset class that can promise strong revenue generation, many landlords and entrepreneurs are looking to become part of this growing industry. In their article from the end of 2021, Allwork.Space highlighted how demand for flexspace was strong with a rise of 48% compared to pre-pandemic levels. This all sounds very tempting to …

Why leased office tenants are choosing flexible workspace

Why leased office tenants are choosing flexible workspace


Flexible workspace has always been David to the Goliath of traditional leased office space. But, post pandemic, things have changed.  Flexible workspace is now predicted to grow to 20% of total UK office space (Savills Flex Office Perspectives, October 2021).  It’s easy to point to corporate hub and spoke strategies as the key reason, but there are many more reasons …

What we learnt at MIPIM 2022

What we learnt at MIPIM 2022


For the first time in two years MIPIM went ahead and our team was on the ground busy networking, conferencing and doing all the other things that go with the full MIPIM experience. The overall impression of the event was hugely positive and it seems that the real estate industry is bouncing back following some difficult times. So, with our …