Tech roundup blog #1


Welcome to the first technologywithin tech roundup blog. Here we’ll gather together some interesting and insightful articles from the world of tech. If you’d like to get in touch with us about any of the subjects or to have a chat about tech with one of our experts, contact us here.

Using IoT tech is crucial for office planning and employee health

IoT technologies can provide key data to help organizations design their offices better — and boost employee health at the same time. –

Cyber security webinar

The Flexible Space Association held one of its ‘Workspace Wisdom’ webinars on the subject of cyber security. You can view the webinar here –

What are the concerns around AI and are some of the warnings ‘baloney’?

An expert tells Sky News that it’s important to “pay attention” to the possibilities for harm from AI and claims it’s “not clear” that governments know how to regulate the technology in a safe way –

Driverless car rental service launches in Milton Keynes

The Fetch vehicle system has been tested in Milton Keynes for 18 months and will now be available to customers.

The iPhone is dead – long live the iPhone

Apple’s smartphone isn’t the innovation machine it once was. But the ideas behind the iPhone and the world it helped create are as influential as ever –

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